Letter to the Editor on "redevelopment" plans for the Bank Buildings
Dear Editor,
I attended, together with many local residents, the exhibition at Wimbledon Library on January 11 to see plans due to be submitted to Merton Council for a major redevelopment of the locally listed Bank Buildings (All Bar One site) on Wimbledon Hill Road. What is currently planned is by no means simply a refurbishment.
The developer’s proposals for this unique heritage building included a ‘Skyline Atrium’ together with a 94 room hotel over 7 levels that would have no garage parking, and no proper service facilities access. Although no hotel access is planned from Wimbledon Hill (which is sensible), can you imagine the effect that such a development will have on residents in Compton Road and Alwyne Road, who already have to live with the aftermath of Wimbledon’s night-time economy? It would be devastating.
Whilst I understand Love Wimbledon seem to think it is a good idea, clearly they haven’t spoken to the people who will be most affected by these proposals, namely the residents who live in the roads immediately around the site. No planning application has yet been submitted but pre-application discussions will shortly be taking place.
There may be a strong argument for redevelopment of this site but not with a hotel. Concerned residents should email Merton Council on planning@merton.gov.uk to register their interest. If there are sufficient voices of discontent these plans may never see the light of day. Representations can also be made directly to the developers by writing to pdimoldenberg@quatro-pr.co.uk.
Councillor David Simpson
Conservative Councillor for Hillside Ward