Residents Object To Scale Of Development Scheme

Campaigners also produce own images of plans

Residents campaigning against controversial proposals for a derelict pub site have started a letter-writing campaign encouraging others to object.

The Emma Hamilton pub (left) in Kingston Road, Wimbledon Chase, closed down in 2010 and developers have now put in a planning application to demolish the pub and replace it with 57 flats and retail units.

But the Wimbledon Chase Residents' Association (WCRA) is calling on Stadium Capital Holdings to moderate their plans for the five-storey block, which they feel is too large.

The developer's image of the proposed development, which was tweaked following consultations, is below:

But WCRA has now produced its own version of the development from a different perspective:


And after:

WCRA is asking anyone who wants to object to the proposals to get their views to Merton borough council before February 6.

Grahame Darnell, from WCRA, said: "WCRA would like to make the point to all residents that the developers bought the site for £2.4m so it will not stand derelict for long. One or two people have said that 'anything is better than a derelict pub', but this is incredibly short-sighted. Our campaign is not about stopping the development, it is about getting the developers to moderate their plans. We need to negotiate from a strong position so that they build something that is of maximum benefit.

"Email objections need to go to and should cc and and me on my hotmail address You have to include you full name and postal address on the email."

A Facebook page for those objecting to the plans has been set up. Search for 'opposal of the redevelopment of The Emma Hamilton site'.

Why not comment on the forum thread on the Emma Hamilton site?

January 24, 2012