Teenager Will Gets Insight Into Wimbledon Police

Police cadet works alongside senior officers

Teenage Police Cadet Will Moss got the chance to work alongside police chiefs in Wimbledon as part of 'Children's Commissioner's Take Over Day'.

Will, a 16-year-old volunteer, spent a tour of duty with Detective Superintendent David Palmer, (deputy borough commander) and Chief Inspector Mark Lawrence, both based at Wimbledon police station.  

The day saw young people accross England get the chance to work alongside senior business leaders, politicians, senior officers in public services and other organisations

Parading for duty first thing in the morning, Will accompanied both senior officers and other leaders to a Command meeting in the 'Grip and Pace' Centre, for a full update and review of local policing issues over the last 24 hours, arrests made, and key issues to be faced that day.

He also saw how police units were deployed and assigned, to meet challenges and demands throughout the borough. Will then worked with Chief Inspector Lawrence through a packed diary of meetings, strategic assignments and partnership working.

Superintendent Palmer gave him an insight into the role of a borough commander and towards the end of the day, Will also met police officers on duty for 'Late Turn'. He had a chance to see how officers prepared for operational postings, the team briefing, assignments and checking kit and vehicles prior to going out on patrol. 

Superintendent David Palmer said: "The Takeover Day is a great opportunity for young people to find out more about what senior officers do, and I'd like to thank Will for his commitment to the Cadets, and for his hard work with us today." 

Chief Inspector Mark Lawrence added: "I have been really impressed with the work of our Police Cadets at local events and on aid. I hope today has been interesting for Will to see a different side of policing, attending key meetings and how we make decisions that often have a far-reaching impact." 

Will said: "I have learnt a lot today - it's been good to see what senior officers actually do, and the challenges they face, compared with the very different demands faced by the police officers on the streets. There's a lot of good work going on across Merton that I think many people outside might not fully realise!"

And the Merton Volunteer Police Cadets recently met the Wimbledon St John Ambulance Badger Sett, at the St John Ambulance base in Kingston Road (see picture on the left). 

The St John Ambulance Badgers are an organisation for children aged 5 - 10 years, interested in learning about first aid, safety, team games and having fun. As fellow "blue light services" colleagues, the Merton Police Cadets joined the Wimbledon Badgers for their Tuesday parade night, and took part in all the activities.

The Badgers presented them with road safety drawings and talked about being safe out on the streets. The Cadets then talked about police work and demonstrated items of uniform and equipment to the Badgers, with a question and answer session at the end. The Badgers were presented with police posters and "I've Met the Met" stickers, which they really enjoyed. 

Badger Leader Heather Smith said: "Thanks to the Merton Police Cadets for coming to meet us tonight, the Badgers had a great time and asked lots of questions, a good evening!". 

Cadet Sam Watson said: "The Badgers were really keen and got us involved right from the start with the colouring! It's been good to meet the team, and also for us to find out a bit more about the St John's unit too." 

November 29, 2013

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(L-R): Supt David Palmer, Cadet Will Moss, Ch Insp Mark Lawrence

Cubs visit Wimbledon Police Station